Saturday 11 October 2014

"For a future, let's work together!"

Two Sagaing nuns have joined together to create a small organization called Yaung Chi Oo, which teaches "Civic and Ethical Education" and English language classes. These two nuns spend their free time by going to poor, rural parts of Myanmar and teaching classes on English language, as well as giving Buddhist meditation instruction.

In their own language, the group has ten main goals:
  1. To introduce the Buddha Dhamma in their daily lives.
  2. To instill a sense of good behavior and encourage mental development through the Buddha Dhamma.
  3. To improve their reading skills through familiarization with books.
  4. To build self confidence and overall well being of future good citizens
  5. Buddhist ethical education and civic education for basic and progressive levels.
  6. Sharing and discussion on application of the Buddha Dhamma in Daily Life.
  7. To purify the mind by practicing meditation.
  8. To teach the Buddha Dhamma in English.
  9. English language and grammar for basic and intermediate levels.
  10. Basic computer course.

 They are only able to travel to such regions and give school materials and short meditation courses based on dana. For those that would like to support their efforts by giving dana or donating their own skills in workshops or classes, please contact us and we can put you in touch with these wonderful nuns.

As the slogan of Yaung Chi Oo is, "For a future, let's work together!"

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