Saturday 7 April 2018

Learn Metta-Bhavana practice in Burma

From Chan Myay Myaing Monastery:

"Metta Retreats 2019

In 2019, two Metta Retreats (each retreat: 2 weeks) will be held at the Chanmyay Myaing Meditation Centre situated in Upper Burma near the town of Pyin Oo Lwin, Burma (Myanmar).

There are a limited number of places for meditators who would like to do both retreats for a full month of metta practice.

You can find all the necessary information on the flier.

Please note that the registration only opens on 1st May 2018. We will not take any applications before this date.

May you and all beings be well, happy and peaceful.

With metta

Ariya Baumann and Ayya ViraƱani"

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